I rarely watch documentary films, the odd one on Channel 4, but seldom on film. Although now to think of it, I have watched nearly all of Michael Moores films, mainly because they are usually highly publicised, and controversial. Anyway I'd been meaning to watch this Tyson flick, because I had seen the trailer and it looked quite interesting, and because I'm a huge fan of the Rocky movies(how is that a reason you ask? boxing of course!!).
So the man has a reputation of being CRAZY!!!!!!!!!! Went to jail for RAPE, BIT a chunk of a fellow boxers EAR, tattooed the side of his FACE, BEAT his ex-wife Robin Givens like she was his sparing partner,and the list goes on.
Anywho the film is really eye-opening, and I came out of it kind of understanding why he is so, for the lack of a better word, crazy! He has had one heck of a life, and anyone coming from where he's from, and done what he's done is bound to end up like something resembling the character of Mike Tyson.

I love the occasional foreign film, and this was no exception, although reading the subtitles is a bother sometimes! (I watched it wishing I knew more in Swedish besides 'Ja' so I didn't have to keep taking my eyes off the screen, and missing little nuances). The film is basically a vampire movie about the relationship between a 12 year-old boy and a '12' year old vampire girl/boy!! Now I say girl/boy because my eyes couldn't help but be geeky, and look the movie up on Wiki (half way through), only to read that the book version elaborates more on the vampire girl/boy being castrated hundreds of years ago!!!! I know!!!! There were a few hints that I probably wouldn't have caught onto about the vamps sex if I didn't read the article. This then made me watch the rest of the film thinking, 'aawww he's gay, and he doesn't know it!', which is quite distracting might I add (I'll have to try and not do that again). Anyway the movie is quite cool, very eerie/creepy at times, but also slow at others, overall it's still a nice watch.

Now this movie had been soooooo hyped that there was a point that I didn't even want to watch it anymore. But once that feeling had ceased, I couldn't wait to see this instalment of the 'new' Batmans. And I had a lot of hope, especially after watching one of Schumacher's terrible versions 'Batman Forever' (which no Batman could be worse than). Now as I started watching it, I realised I could barely remember 'Batman Begins', the one prior to this, although I did recall the villain was the 'Scarecrow' and Katie Holmes was in it, but that was about it. Well in this one, it appears they have changed Katie with Maggie Gyllenhaal, Cillian Murphy (Mr Nice Eyes) has a cameo as the Scarecrow, and the new baddie as we all know is the Joker. Now seeing as I can barely remember the previous one, i'd say that this is definitely the best film in the series so far. And of course Heath Ledger was on point as the Joker, completely unrecognisable. Maggie Gylenhaal was just blaaah, the compulsory damsel in distress. Aaron Eckhart was also great as Harvey Dent/Two Face, and the ending was good because it left a hole to be filled by another movie. Although the film was great, it was quite long, and I did have a moment where I had to go back about 5 minutes because I had dozed off (which also led to my laptop dropping on the floor:O (note to self: NEVER DO THAT AGAIN)!! Oh and I did find Christian Bale ANNOYING!! Why has he got that stupid gravely 'I need to be serious because i'm Batman' voice. What to disguise his identity? Well it's totally distracting, previous Batman's Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, and George Clooney didn't do it so why does he? I think Christian Bale just annoys me now anyway since his diva strop.
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