I went to see the much anticipated 'Watchmen' the other day. This adaptation of the much loved graphic novel by Alan Moore, has been talked about for some time now, and been in the pipeline for many years. Now although I am not a comic book geek, I have enjoyed the graphic novels that have recently been brought to the big screen, in the form of '300' and my absolute favourite in this genre 'Sin City'! But this film has to be the absolute WORST film made in this genre, and definitely the most disappointing movie of 2009 so far! OMG! Where to start!! From Dr Manhattan's blue 'willy' flying about all over the screen, to the slow and sometimes dreary plot, to the soft-core porn scenes?
Although there are countless negatives that I could keep listing, I will say on a positive note that the film was beautifully shot! The film does well to convey an authentic film noir atmosphere, and the idea of the characters living in an alternate 1985, was also very good, spotting the famous people, and well known political leaders was quite fun for a know-it-all like me! The action scenes which I did expect to be outstanding, were just that. The whole slow motion thing was cool to see, I just wish there were more. If it were a person, the trailer would have to be put on trial for perjury! It's all misleading and false-truths! How can they make such a bad film look so brilliant? Other than all this, director Zack Snyder butchers the film! Actually now to think of it, I'm trying to understand why I have so much contempt for this film? I don't think its the film at all, maybe it's the comic book as a whole that wasn't floatin' my boat!
So although I wish I could get back the 150 odd minutes wasted on this film, at least it has set the bar of what a crap comic book movie is like and no matter how much CGI and money is thrown at a project, it still can go ridiculously wrong. Writer and Director, Terry Gilliam, who is famous for his work on 'Monty Python' and Twelve Monkeys', described the project whilst in development as 'Unfilmable', and I think he was write, this is one comic book to film project that should have been left alone!

I read your plea on the gumtree and have had a good read of your site. this is my honest opinion. You are not always going to be a student however with your obvious love of all things film, you have an oportunity to excell when you qualify - but what I have read this morning - I can read in any magazine, newspaper, blog or specialist rag with editing in place. I do not like film critics, I find it difficult to listen to them or to believe in their "wisdom" - except for one, Mark Kermode. If you want me as a fan then don't feed me sweet cured pulp on a teaspoon. Grab me by the balls and turn me upside down, take a whole lemon and shove it down my throat and then follow that with a full slug of tabasco sauce. Excite me, jolt me out of my tedium and make me believe that you know what is good and what is not. You have the chance and the talent to be special, use it, make a name for yourself and for goodness sake loose the hat, it doesn't suit you.
Hey, Thanks for your comment! I think your right in that most young film critics are more likely to have a similar style in the way they write, and to get ahead it is important to seperate yourself from the pack. What I am trying to convey is not actual 'wisdom' in the sense of what I say is the be all and end all! I am just writing what I feel and enjoy. I also enjoy kermode, although I prefer Jonathan Ross, but i'm hoping to try and find another approach to writing about film that hasn't been done before, especially by a woman.
Again thanks for your opinion, it's given me something to think about!
YINKA! i disagree and enjoyed every second of the movie! the guessing game, the plot, the action and the directing! i loved it all!!!
and yes denim dres numero 3, but hardly counts as it is faux denim..the wonders of cotton denim eh!
oh and the dude was NOT a freshie! believe it or not! he was a jamaincan man!
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