So because it's 3 in the morning, and my jet lag is starting 2 wear off, i'll just briefly tell you some off the stuff me and my pals got up to, bar the minimal funds, and M.I.A luggage, New York was an experience to remember!
From a dead animal wearing Japanese Artist, to a balding Puerto Rican comedian who was deceptively youthful-looking , to a 'we're not Moroccan, extremely aggressive, so much so i wanted 2 spit in his face' husband and wife gangster tag team.
As well as sitting in a shisha, sorry 'Hookah' bar for a record 7hrs (i was pissed beyond belief!!!!) and watching the most dead horror film Friday the 13th, with the most live audience you could ever hear, to walking around East Village @ 4 in the morning because your 6 other friends all wanna smoke shisha but cant find the address, one word to describe that evening/morning, HYPOTHERMIA!!
These were just a few of the things we did and people we crossed paths with who definitely made an impact, mostly good!
I didn't do as much shopping as i hoped, which was kind of a bummer. You see travelling with quite a large group means 'compromise'! So hopefully if i go again in the summer, with a lot less people, then i'll be able to really do some damage.
Thankfully my girl Rach, showed up in time, and gave me and my friends the hook-up on where to go! 7 girls in Forever 21 for 3 HOURS! must be a record! My usual purchases consisted of a few 'Yinka staples', Cardigans, t's, hoodies, etc. But the main purpose of the trip for 4 of my friends was to get some trainers for some great prices! And i think between us we bought about 13 pairs! Yes you heard correctly US! Yinka did indeed purchase a pair of Nike high top,dunk thingy's! Not quite sure what the official name is for them (help me out Rach!) Anyway i originally wanted a simple pair, one i could wear with anything, maybe white with a dash of colour. Then slowly after my girlies around me stacked up on their 'Kicks', i realised that i was not going to find anyhting i really liked and would probably wait till i got back to LDN! That was until while shopping in Urban Outfitters i found a purple and orange pair for $39.99, roughly £28.00!
I quite like them actually, although they make my foot look even more gigantic than they already are, and starting to think i should have got a 7 instead of a 7.5. They might have been a tight squeeze, but probably would have made me look a little more dainty, ok who am i kidding! so although i have to get used to them, i still think it was quite a good deal considering what some of my mates spent on these bloomin' things!
Ok i'm dead now, i'll continue this another time!
GOOD BUY!!! shame yinks I frt u paid like $105 for them LOL!!!!!and nike dunks is what they are haha i canno believ u spent 3hrs in F21...i nearly dided after 30mins in the changing room!!!
AHAHA!fingy bobby nikes!u spent SEVEN HOURS in a shisha place.....its like spendin 7hrs watchin movies can do that in friggin london!!!
loool!! i was PISSED!! i cant describe how angry i was havin 2 spend my last night in dat smoke filled place, i really wanted 2 go 2 adis comedy club! but i didnt wanna complain cos all the other girls were enjoin it!! :(
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