OMG!! i'm a terrible journalist, a lazy one to be more precise!! i haven't written a damn thing since my birthday! well i suppose i will just have to make up for lost time! Sorry but none of this is going to be in chronological order, it gonna be difficult to recall any that was interesting , especially in the last part of 2008!!
First up! The Golden Globes!! Anyone who knows me, knows that i am an award show fanatic!! every year, i drug my self with whatever i can find to keep myself awake!! The award season in the US is the epitome of excitement for me!! The stars, the red carpet, the ghastly acceptance speeches, all this is worth staying up for, to the early hours of the morning! and this year was no different!

Kate Winslet, who was the big winner of the night! She got two awards for The Reader and Revolutionary Road, which i have yet to see (slap myself on the wrist). Anyway, i wasn't expecting her 2 b such a blubbering mess!! i know she has been nominated for every award under the sun, and never wins. But yet i thought the whole English 'stiff upper lip' thing would take over and she would pull herself together, but she didn't! Although repeatedly telling herself to 'gather', (which i did end up shouting at the TV because she clearly wasnt), Kate then began on a 5/10 mins thank you speech, which although annoying at first did turn to endearing, as she blubbed how much she'd loved Leo DiCaprio for 15 years (aaaaah!! Jack!!)Then it swiftly turned annoying again, as the minutes started to tick by, whilst she thanked her make-up artist, her great aunt, her cat & dog, the man who drove her in a cab to work one day!!! All bitchyness aside I still love her as an actress, so GO KATE! (Just make sure if you win an Oscar, u turn it down a notch or two!)
Then another embarrassingly long speech by Irish hottie Colin Farrel, who appears to have gone all spiritual on us with his new found sobriety, and Sasha B Cohen's (Borat) crinnnnnge worthy attempt @ trying 2 crack a few jokes! omg!, Ali G dressed like a normal person! trying to be comedic? It was a HUGE mistake! and u could tell by the sullen faces in the audience :(

Lastly Mickey Rourke!! The comeback kid (or 50 odd year old man!) of recent years, forget Britney Spears, or whoever else has had a sob story about how they tried 2 drag themselves out of the gutter! Old Rourke has had a hell of a tough time, the amount of lows this man has hit, would even make Britney thank god for the last two years of her colossal sham of a life! From Drug abuse, losing money left, right and centre, wife jumping ship, and becoming a general pariah in Hollywood, this icon of the 80's (Angel Heart, 9 1/2 Weeks) has finally got the recognition he deserves! now again i haven't seen The Wrestler, but if reviews are anything to go by, i'll b checkin it out as soon as it's released! Although the dude looked a HOT MESS!! that is all put 2 one side when u consider his story. And again with the LONG SPEECHES! (to which by this time they started playing music, 2 chase ppl off the)stage). But like kate i'll look past the cringy-speech, and just say i'm happy that he's finally gettin his!
I have now realised it is 5:30 am!! and i have Uni in about 6 hrs, so my arse needs 2catch sum z's!
(Part 2 comin soon)
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