So I'm a huge fan of Chris Cornell, I think he has one of the most... if not the best rock voices ever! (aah Jon Bon Jovi just sprang to mind, joint 1st!) The man could sing the phone book and it would be music to my ears! Until I heard the Bond track for Casino Royale in '06. I must admit I had never heard of him (oh the shame!)and to think he's been around for donkey's years. My only excuse is that I was still discovering all the great music out there, I still am. Anywho, I was familiar with the whole Grunge thing in the 90's with Nirvana, and I liked some stuff from Rage Against the Machine. So to then find out that Cornell had split from his previous group Soundgarden and had formed a hybrid super-group with members from Rage, to create Audioslave, meant I had to hear their stuff! And out of all the work,whether solo, or with Temple, Soundgarden, Rage, I must admit that the best stuff is with Audioslave! So what else is there for the king of grunge/indie/rock to do!
Now when I first heard this I did the whole 'what the...' 'but he can't...'! Then gradually i came to think that there could be some genius in this. Cornell at the pinnacle of what he does, and Timbaland certainly top dog of what he does, what could go wrong!! Now all over the net die-hard Audioslave/Cornell fans have been up in arms, callin him a 'traitor' or 'sell-out'! But what i realised is it must be harder for those hardcore fans who probably only listen to that genre of music to accept the change. I love my Hip Hop as much as I love my Rock, my mood can change on any given day and either genre can become more appealing than the other, so for me it wasn't such a big stretch hearing this concoction of flavours and styles! Cornell said in an interview, something along the lines of not wanting to do another record where he was in his comfort zone, doing what we all know he can do well, so he took a risk and for me it paid off! Although I have yet to hear the whole record, I have heard a few songs, and by far my fave is 'Long Gone'! 'Part of Me' is great as well, and has more of that Timbaland stamp on it. Overall the songs are not that surprising, in that you get exactly what it says on the tin, no funny business! Simply Cornell singing over Timbaland beats! I really hope this record does well and launches Cornell further into the mainstream, (which i think he is obviously hoping it would do, why else would you hire Timbaland!!) so everyone can get familiar with his music, because for me music is not just about the songs, but the voice as well, and his is definately a powerfull instrument!
Long Gone
Part of Me
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Wossy's Back!
Yay!! The only reason (including Eastenders) to watch the otherwise dreary BBC is back, Friday Night with Jonathan Ross!
So Friday night saw the return of Jonathan Ross after his 3 month suspension, which happened following the whole hoohaa that occurred in the later end of last year. Which in turn meant that I was no longer able to enjoy my Friday night staple :(
Although the words 'mountain' and 'mole hill', come to mind when thinking of the incident, I can see, especially from Sachs' view, how bad the whole thing was! But everyone jumping on the bandwagon baying for Ross' and Brand's blood was a bit overblown and I hope this doesn't hinder Ross' performance, or make him feel that he has to 'clean up' his humour for the BBC!
Anyway back to the show! After briefly apologising for his actions (his sincerity being quite an odd thing to see actually!), Ross jumped straight in with his usual quips and classic one liners, and then revealed who was in his green room. Lee Evans, who for me is not one of the best comedians in Britain! And since he was first out I must admit I switched over for about 5 mins! Stephen Fry, a national treasure, who I never get tired of listening to, talked about his show 'Last Chance to See', in which he travels to various remote places around the world to find endangered animals. Then finally the highlight of the show, Tom Cruise! So what if he's a bit short! So what if he became highly annoying during his whole 'falling in love' with Katie Holmes faze, and I won't mention his weird erm.. 'passionate' dogmatic approach when discussing his pseudo-religion. But all that aside it was a great interview, Cruise has a great sense of humour, and doesn't really deserve to be slated in the media like he is on a regular basis. Overall the show could have been compared to a kid's first day back at school after suspension, slightly uneasy viewing, not knowing if something could go catastrophically wrong (what i don't kno?) ,but everything ran smoothly. :) Welcome Back JR!
Another memorable interview that I just remembered recently was one from Friday Night again, which happened in October of last year. Colin Farrell came on the show and was more fetching than usual....OK so he was lookin' HOT!! and I quite liked the long hair as well! Like I said before in a previous post about his long acceptance speech, I think this was the first time that I had noticed his kind of 'spirituality', and a certain peace that he has about him now. I was so used to seeing him in interview kind of rowdy and playful, and although he is still that, there was a subtle difference, which was kind of refreshing. Nice to see he's got his act together!
So Friday night saw the return of Jonathan Ross after his 3 month suspension, which happened following the whole hoohaa that occurred in the later end of last year. Which in turn meant that I was no longer able to enjoy my Friday night staple :(
Although the words 'mountain' and 'mole hill', come to mind when thinking of the incident, I can see, especially from Sachs' view, how bad the whole thing was! But everyone jumping on the bandwagon baying for Ross' and Brand's blood was a bit overblown and I hope this doesn't hinder Ross' performance, or make him feel that he has to 'clean up' his humour for the BBC!
Anyway back to the show! After briefly apologising for his actions (his sincerity being quite an odd thing to see actually!), Ross jumped straight in with his usual quips and classic one liners, and then revealed who was in his green room. Lee Evans, who for me is not one of the best comedians in Britain! And since he was first out I must admit I switched over for about 5 mins! Stephen Fry, a national treasure, who I never get tired of listening to, talked about his show 'Last Chance to See', in which he travels to various remote places around the world to find endangered animals. Then finally the highlight of the show, Tom Cruise! So what if he's a bit short! So what if he became highly annoying during his whole 'falling in love' with Katie Holmes faze, and I won't mention his weird erm.. 'passionate' dogmatic approach when discussing his pseudo-religion. But all that aside it was a great interview, Cruise has a great sense of humour, and doesn't really deserve to be slated in the media like he is on a regular basis. Overall the show could have been compared to a kid's first day back at school after suspension, slightly uneasy viewing, not knowing if something could go catastrophically wrong (what i don't kno?) ,but everything ran smoothly. :) Welcome Back JR!
Another memorable interview that I just remembered recently was one from Friday Night again, which happened in October of last year. Colin Farrell came on the show and was more fetching than usual....OK so he was lookin' HOT!! and I quite liked the long hair as well! Like I said before in a previous post about his long acceptance speech, I think this was the first time that I had noticed his kind of 'spirituality', and a certain peace that he has about him now. I was so used to seeing him in interview kind of rowdy and playful, and although he is still that, there was a subtle difference, which was kind of refreshing. Nice to see he's got his act together!
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Righty Ho! back to some stuff that has happened in the last couple of months!!
There is always a hot new band or artist that everyone is listening to, but when it comes to music i'm really slow to 'jumping on the bang wagon' if you will! It often takes me a while to get into certain music, e.g i do recall saying about three years ago to a mate, 'Kings of Leon are shit!'. Look at me now eh! Anyway at the moment i am absolutely loving MGMT, Vampire Weekend and The Boxer Rebellion!
Mainly MGMT, who's album Oracular Spectacular, is just that...spectacular! Three words to describe them would be Psychedelic, futuristic, indie, pop, ok so thats four! Their music is fused with everything i love, the best bits from the 70's & 80's, and enough of what no one else is doing to set them apart. After hearing 'Electric Feel' I was hooked and got the album straight away! LISTEN!!
Alexandra Burke! The winner of the X Factor 2008! Thank god she won, and not that sorry excuse for an 'R&B' boyband JLS, or that Irish leprechaun Eoghan, uoghan, eogen! How the hell do you spell his name? I personally was a fan of Austin Drage! You know, the 4 foot something R&B/Soul singer! Oh, and Alexandra's performance with Beyonce....'wicked'! I admit I was a little excited at home when i knew Beyonce was going to be on the show, not because i'm and extreme fan of hers, but more to see what these two singers could conjure up,and the results spoke for themselves. Would it be a stretch to say that that one perfomance alone won the whole show for her..........
JOSH HARTNETT! Pearl Harbour (My fave!), The Faculty, Lucky Number Sleven! All great movies, but what would Mr Hot, I mean Mr Hartnett be like live on a West End stage? Well I found out in December with a couple of mates, we went to see one of the last showings of Rainman at the Apollo! Now although i've been to the theatre a few times, to see sum musicals, a few dreary plays for school. This I would say was my first 'proper' play! We had ok seats in the mezzanine, and a clear view of Josh! Now although my friend Rach thought it was ok to catch some z's during the production, I decided to stay alert and engrossed in this adaptation of the 1980's film starring Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman. Overall I thought it was quite good, a little slow towards the end but the 2 hour duration did go by quicker than expected, plus a little bit of flesh exhibited by Hartnett (AKA my future husband if Caleb Followill is taken!) was a highlight! :)
Again, to reiterate what i mentioned before with the 'being late' with stuff!! I have now decided that I will now and forever continue to watch The Hills! Like a lot of people who were not hooked I thought it was a load of crap that MTV decided to make, due to a lack of ideas for truly great shows! But now after watching one episode, the drama is addictive, and yes it does all seem a little scripted and posed at some moments but WHO CARES! it's one guilty pleasure that i think everyone should have, and it also helps that they have a plethora of HOT! Californian dudes, waltzing around looking.......Hot!! But top dog for sure would be Audrina's serious eye candy of a boyfriend Justin Bobby! Now i don't know about you but his attitude and behaviour towards Audrina kinda stinks, but lookin like that i'd probably keep takin him back too!! So as long as they keep bringin' the drama, and episodes featuring Justin! I'll keep tunin' in!

Lady GaGa is a HOT MESS!! Sorry to steal my favourite Comedienne Chelsea Handler's saying but it's true! Yes, 'Just Dance' was a great song and it got her lots of recognition world wide, as well as the current No.1 spot on the charts in the UK! But there's something 'tacky' about her, to be honest i like her style and what she's trying to do, but recent pictures of her performing on stage with a man's head buried in her crotch really put me off, oh! and her prancing around London with granny knickers and tights (tights over the knickers!, just made me think eeew! No way she wasn't cold in these sub-zero temperatures, and all you fashionistas out there don't gimme that crap about 'sacrifice' and doing anything to look great! Or is seeking out Hypothermia the new cool thing to do now?

There is always a hot new band or artist that everyone is listening to, but when it comes to music i'm really slow to 'jumping on the bang wagon' if you will! It often takes me a while to get into certain music, e.g i do recall saying about three years ago to a mate, 'Kings of Leon are shit!'. Look at me now eh! Anyway at the moment i am absolutely loving MGMT, Vampire Weekend and The Boxer Rebellion!
Mainly MGMT, who's album Oracular Spectacular, is just that...spectacular! Three words to describe them would be Psychedelic, futuristic, indie, pop, ok so thats four! Their music is fused with everything i love, the best bits from the 70's & 80's, and enough of what no one else is doing to set them apart. After hearing 'Electric Feel' I was hooked and got the album straight away! LISTEN!!
Alexandra Burke! The winner of the X Factor 2008! Thank god she won, and not that sorry excuse for an 'R&B' boyband JLS, or that Irish leprechaun Eoghan, uoghan, eogen! How the hell do you spell his name? I personally was a fan of Austin Drage! You know, the 4 foot something R&B/Soul singer! Oh, and Alexandra's performance with Beyonce....'wicked'! I admit I was a little excited at home when i knew Beyonce was going to be on the show, not because i'm and extreme fan of hers, but more to see what these two singers could conjure up,and the results spoke for themselves. Would it be a stretch to say that that one perfomance alone won the whole show for her..........
JOSH HARTNETT! Pearl Harbour (My fave!), The Faculty, Lucky Number Sleven! All great movies, but what would Mr Hot, I mean Mr Hartnett be like live on a West End stage? Well I found out in December with a couple of mates, we went to see one of the last showings of Rainman at the Apollo! Now although i've been to the theatre a few times, to see sum musicals, a few dreary plays for school. This I would say was my first 'proper' play! We had ok seats in the mezzanine, and a clear view of Josh! Now although my friend Rach thought it was ok to catch some z's during the production, I decided to stay alert and engrossed in this adaptation of the 1980's film starring Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman. Overall I thought it was quite good, a little slow towards the end but the 2 hour duration did go by quicker than expected, plus a little bit of flesh exhibited by Hartnett (AKA my future husband if Caleb Followill is taken!) was a highlight! :)
Again, to reiterate what i mentioned before with the 'being late' with stuff!! I have now decided that I will now and forever continue to watch The Hills! Like a lot of people who were not hooked I thought it was a load of crap that MTV decided to make, due to a lack of ideas for truly great shows! But now after watching one episode, the drama is addictive, and yes it does all seem a little scripted and posed at some moments but WHO CARES! it's one guilty pleasure that i think everyone should have, and it also helps that they have a plethora of HOT! Californian dudes, waltzing around looking.......Hot!! But top dog for sure would be Audrina's serious eye candy of a boyfriend Justin Bobby! Now i don't know about you but his attitude and behaviour towards Audrina kinda stinks, but lookin like that i'd probably keep takin him back too!! So as long as they keep bringin' the drama, and episodes featuring Justin! I'll keep tunin' in!

Lady GaGa is a HOT MESS!! Sorry to steal my favourite Comedienne Chelsea Handler's saying but it's true! Yes, 'Just Dance' was a great song and it got her lots of recognition world wide, as well as the current No.1 spot on the charts in the UK! But there's something 'tacky' about her, to be honest i like her style and what she's trying to do, but recent pictures of her performing on stage with a man's head buried in her crotch really put me off, oh! and her prancing around London with granny knickers and tights (tights over the knickers!, just made me think eeew! No way she wasn't cold in these sub-zero temperatures, and all you fashionistas out there don't gimme that crap about 'sacrifice' and doing anything to look great! Or is seeking out Hypothermia the new cool thing to do now?

Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Movies, Movies, Movies!!
So my main love is movies, there aren't enough hours in the day to get through some of the greats but I'm getting there!
Recently I watched Taxi Driver (I know pretty late aren't I)and Citizen Kane, which is said by some to be the greatest film of all time! So my expectations were high right? And what a big fall it was when i realised that it was probably the worst film i had ever seen, I know! blasphemy to all you film boffs, but seriously, I think that it was great for that era and a certain period of time in film that I'm not that big a fan of! The whole thing just went right over my head, not interesting at all! But since i've purchased it on dvd, i'll give it a couple of years and try sitting through it again! Taxi Driver, again hyped as one of DeNiro's best, and i would say it's definitely in his top 5, but no where near as good as 'Heat' or 'Goodfellas'! Although Scorsese is one of my favourite directors, so it was nice to see some of his work before 'Goodfellas'!
In the past year though I have seen a lot of films, to many to remember at this moment in time, so i will go with the most recent, and the ones that had the most impact!
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
'Long gone were the glory days of Brad Pitt's excellence', I had been thinking of late, some of my absolutes favourites are, Interview with a Vampire, Se7en, Legends of the Fall, and his last work of genius Fight Club! That was until I watched this film! yes it's a gobfull, but don't let the long-arse title put you off. This film was absolutely brilliant, and I'd definitely recommend not only Pitt fans to see it, but everyone who loves a genuinely good film. A drama/western, tale of betrayal and deceit, Jesse James, was described in history as a 'Robin Hood' type character, and although he committed numerous crimes, and murders, he is still thought in some ways as an anti-hero, especially in the way he is conveyed in the film, all our ill-will and dislike is turned on Casey Afflecks character, Robert Ford. So although I'd love for Pitt to go back to portraying these heartthrob characters, in sweeping epics like 'Legends of the Fall', I have come to accept that with his age, his choice in film roles has matured, and he is becoming more select in what he chooses, although the ratio of good and bad films is tipping in the wrong direction, THIS IS A MUST SEE!
Che: part 1
Oh lord have mercy! Benicio del Toro, Steven Soderbergh! I thought was a recipe for greatness, but watching this film proved other wise. Not to mention it took everything in my power to keep my eyes open (Staring widely every couple of minutes, and tapping your foot constantly does the job). del Toro was great in 'The Usual Suspects' and 'Sin City', but this film just didnt do it for me! It was long, uneventful, and just dull! Pushing two and a half hours, was license for Soderbergh to make something enthralling, something audiences would want to see again, but i know I'm definitely not watching part 2! This film is for those who are either super fans of Steven Soderbergh, or want a history lesson on what went down in Cuba, 50 odd years ago in the revolution! Sorry Soderbergh better luck next time!
Recently I watched Taxi Driver (I know pretty late aren't I)and Citizen Kane, which is said by some to be the greatest film of all time! So my expectations were high right? And what a big fall it was when i realised that it was probably the worst film i had ever seen, I know! blasphemy to all you film boffs, but seriously, I think that it was great for that era and a certain period of time in film that I'm not that big a fan of! The whole thing just went right over my head, not interesting at all! But since i've purchased it on dvd, i'll give it a couple of years and try sitting through it again! Taxi Driver, again hyped as one of DeNiro's best, and i would say it's definitely in his top 5, but no where near as good as 'Heat' or 'Goodfellas'! Although Scorsese is one of my favourite directors, so it was nice to see some of his work before 'Goodfellas'!
In the past year though I have seen a lot of films, to many to remember at this moment in time, so i will go with the most recent, and the ones that had the most impact!
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
'Long gone were the glory days of Brad Pitt's excellence', I had been thinking of late, some of my absolutes favourites are, Interview with a Vampire, Se7en, Legends of the Fall, and his last work of genius Fight Club! That was until I watched this film! yes it's a gobfull, but don't let the long-arse title put you off. This film was absolutely brilliant, and I'd definitely recommend not only Pitt fans to see it, but everyone who loves a genuinely good film. A drama/western, tale of betrayal and deceit, Jesse James, was described in history as a 'Robin Hood' type character, and although he committed numerous crimes, and murders, he is still thought in some ways as an anti-hero, especially in the way he is conveyed in the film, all our ill-will and dislike is turned on Casey Afflecks character, Robert Ford. So although I'd love for Pitt to go back to portraying these heartthrob characters, in sweeping epics like 'Legends of the Fall', I have come to accept that with his age, his choice in film roles has matured, and he is becoming more select in what he chooses, although the ratio of good and bad films is tipping in the wrong direction, THIS IS A MUST SEE!
Che: part 1
Oh lord have mercy! Benicio del Toro, Steven Soderbergh! I thought was a recipe for greatness, but watching this film proved other wise. Not to mention it took everything in my power to keep my eyes open (Staring widely every couple of minutes, and tapping your foot constantly does the job). del Toro was great in 'The Usual Suspects' and 'Sin City', but this film just didnt do it for me! It was long, uneventful, and just dull! Pushing two and a half hours, was license for Soderbergh to make something enthralling, something audiences would want to see again, but i know I'm definitely not watching part 2! This film is for those who are either super fans of Steven Soderbergh, or want a history lesson on what went down in Cuba, 50 odd years ago in the revolution! Sorry Soderbergh better luck next time!
I'M BACK!!! (for now at least!) PART 1
OMG!! i'm a terrible journalist, a lazy one to be more precise!! i haven't written a damn thing since my birthday! well i suppose i will just have to make up for lost time! Sorry but none of this is going to be in chronological order, it gonna be difficult to recall any that was interesting , especially in the last part of 2008!!
First up! The Golden Globes!! Anyone who knows me, knows that i am an award show fanatic!! every year, i drug my self with whatever i can find to keep myself awake!! The award season in the US is the epitome of excitement for me!! The stars, the red carpet, the ghastly acceptance speeches, all this is worth staying up for, to the early hours of the morning! and this year was no different!

Kate Winslet, who was the big winner of the night! She got two awards for The Reader and Revolutionary Road, which i have yet to see (slap myself on the wrist). Anyway, i wasn't expecting her 2 b such a blubbering mess!! i know she has been nominated for every award under the sun, and never wins. But yet i thought the whole English 'stiff upper lip' thing would take over and she would pull herself together, but she didn't! Although repeatedly telling herself to 'gather', (which i did end up shouting at the TV because she clearly wasnt), Kate then began on a 5/10 mins thank you speech, which although annoying at first did turn to endearing, as she blubbed how much she'd loved Leo DiCaprio for 15 years (aaaaah!! Jack!!)Then it swiftly turned annoying again, as the minutes started to tick by, whilst she thanked her make-up artist, her great aunt, her cat & dog, the man who drove her in a cab to work one day!!! All bitchyness aside I still love her as an actress, so GO KATE! (Just make sure if you win an Oscar, u turn it down a notch or two!)
Then another embarrassingly long speech by Irish hottie Colin Farrel, who appears to have gone all spiritual on us with his new found sobriety, and Sasha B Cohen's (Borat) crinnnnnge worthy attempt @ trying 2 crack a few jokes! omg!, Ali G dressed like a normal person! trying to be comedic? It was a HUGE mistake! and u could tell by the sullen faces in the audience :(

Lastly Mickey Rourke!! The comeback kid (or 50 odd year old man!) of recent years, forget Britney Spears, or whoever else has had a sob story about how they tried 2 drag themselves out of the gutter! Old Rourke has had a hell of a tough time, the amount of lows this man has hit, would even make Britney thank god for the last two years of her colossal sham of a life! From Drug abuse, losing money left, right and centre, wife jumping ship, and becoming a general pariah in Hollywood, this icon of the 80's (Angel Heart, 9 1/2 Weeks) has finally got the recognition he deserves! now again i haven't seen The Wrestler, but if reviews are anything to go by, i'll b checkin it out as soon as it's released! Although the dude looked a HOT MESS!! that is all put 2 one side when u consider his story. And again with the LONG SPEECHES! (to which by this time they started playing music, 2 chase ppl off the)stage). But like kate i'll look past the cringy-speech, and just say i'm happy that he's finally gettin his!
I have now realised it is 5:30 am!! and i have Uni in about 6 hrs, so my arse needs 2catch sum z's!
(Part 2 comin soon)
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