Ok! So i'm an avid movie goer, and I like to watch all types of movies, no discrimination in my corner. So when all the buzz came around 4 these 'Oscar' movies (Juno, There Will Be Blood, La Vie En Rose, No Country...), I thought to myself like I do every year, I must take time to c them all!! So the latest offering from the Coen brothers, ‘No Country For Old Men’ was my next stop! First, i'm ashamed 2 say as a movie geek, I HAVE NEVER SEEN ONE OF THEIR FILMS BEFORE(ok maybe a brief glimpse at Fargo). But anywho big shock horror, especially because they’re supposed to be one of the best in the biz . So going in I didn’t know what to expect, but as 1st impressions go, if these are the kinds of films they have been dishing out every other year, then i can sleep tight at night knowing that i haven't missed out on a mind blowing experience. Now it wasn't all bad, that Javier Bardem dude was very good, and convincing as the sociopathic killer 'Chigurh', (sounds exactly like ‘sugar’) as well as good performances from Josh Brolin, and slight comic relief added by Tommy Lee Jones, but other than this, i found the film extremely long and drawn out (& i luv long/drawn out films, just long/drawn out interesting 1's!), with at times dialogue that made you just want to shout at the screen for them to 'Shut Up! and get on with it’. I can c what the Coens where trying to do, break the mould, march to the beat of their own drum, especially with their unusual, and in my opinion ridiculous ending, but although the cool calm and collected duo, always emphasise, their love for movie making, and imply that they are not in it for the accolades, this movie throughout its duration kept making me think 'oh they so want a damn Oscar!'. I mean after all these are the kinds of films that the academy goes for, slightly gritty, quirky dramas, that may not have had much commercial success. Overall i think the way in which the film was shot was ok, it was just a matter of the script and the way the book adaptation was put onto screen, having said that and not read the book myself ( i know slight contradiction again, but from what I‘ve heard the books really good!) i do think that the story had potential to be so much more engaging, and perhaps a better and more satisfying end, than just cutting out mid-speech from Tommy Lee Jones‘ character, which you were probably half asleep through anyway!
Oh and if ur wonderin why da 1st blog is referring 2 a few months late, its because yinki da Dodo!! who often has 'blonde moments', didnt actually post the blog!! it was saved in my drafts!!!
1 comment:
Pah!and you wnted to make me watch it tooo!
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