Monday 22 September 2008

September 22nd!

So this year has gone by very quickly so far! one reason for me feeling this way is that i have already reached my 21st birthday today! (happy birthday 2 me!!), its also the autumn equinox, on this exact day every year, so I'm feeling very spiritual and one with myself today, autumn is my favourite season, and it gave me great pleasure 2 c as i was strolling past Victoria park today, that the autumn leaves have begun to fall, and a see of brown leaves r beginning 2 cover the green grass.

So no big extravagant celebration 2day, anyone who knows me, knows i cant take a lot of fuss being made, although an unexpected surprise did occur @ work 2day! the grazing crew did spring a fast 1, by turning of the kitchen lights, & all begun singing a chorus of Happy Birthday, whilst placing a nice choc cake in front of me!! first thought was omg, try n look really genuine n grateful, cos although i am inside, my face often doesn't convey those feelings, so a few 'awwws', n 'u guys', helped me in that area, secondly i couldn't help but laugh inside at how many time in one year i had actually had this exact same cake, which was obviously from tesco!! mums b day, bruvs b day! n now mine!!

My summer filled with work, work, and more work! as well as the odd holiday of 2 Nigeria and Morocco!! but just as i have been getting back into the swing of things at work, now is the time 2 get ready 2 go back 2 good ol' uni!!! *sighs* back to juggling,lectures, seminars, assignments, work, and squeezing in a social life, seems tiresome, and I'm starting to reallllly look forward 2 the day when i no longer have 2 study and can just earn money, 2 go travelling n stuff!!

A yearly tradition that i always seem to engage in is riding my bike around autumn time, the light,cool breeze and the space of time between the holidays ending and uni starting makes me want to just ride around east London!! but since my bruv broke my bike last year, and his one is now chained outside our flat, with no one knowing where the key is means that the week after nxt (when i get my student monies) i will purchase myself a brand new bike. cant wait!!!!

oooh!! and Only By The Night is out 2day!!!